The Zonta International Women in STEM Scholarships encourage women to pursue education, career opportunities and leadership roles in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). In 2023 Zonta District 27 selected three award winners.
Johanna Spansel, nominated by the Zonta Club of Hamburg, receives the first price. Being the best of District 27, Johanna also belongs to the Zonta International STEM Scholars. Johanna studies chemical engineering in the first year of a Master’s program at the Hamburg University of Technology.
The second price goes to Tue Nguyen, nominated by the Zonta Club of Gent II. Tue is in the first Master’s year at the Ghent University, studying garment-textile engineering.
Federica Maestri, who was nominated by the Zonta Club of Luxembourg Multiculturel, receives the third price. Federica is pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in computer science at The University of Luxembourg.