Zonta International strongly believes in the crucial role of young women in women’s advancement in public service. We offer the Young Women in Public Affairs Award to encourage participation in public and political life. To be eligible for this award, women must be between the ages of 16 and 19 on April 1 and study and live or work in a Zonta district/region. Furthermore, the applicants must meet the following requirements:
- Active dedication to volunteering
- Experience in local or student government
- Volunteer leadership achievements
- Knowledge of Zonta International and its programs
- Advocating in Zonta International’s mission of advancing the status of women worldwide
Applicants from geographic areas where no clubs are located will be considered eligible for the district/region award.
Application process
All Zonta clubs must receive registration materials by the stipulated deadline. The deadline usually falls between late January and mid-February. Afterward, the Zonta clubs select one application to forward to the district governor/regional representative. A district/regional evaluation committee reviews the applications and selects one candidate per district/region to be sent to Zonta International Headquarters. The Zonta International Young Women in Public Affairs Committee recommends ten international recipients from the district applications to the Zonta International Board. Upon approval by the Zonta International Board, the Zonta International Foundation presents awards and certificates to the district and international recipients.
Locate a Zonta club near you and ask for the application forms. Note that, at club level, the application can be written in your native language. However, at district level, the application must be translated into English.
All the required information for the application process can be found here.
Club members can find the required information here.
The Young Women in Public Affairs Awards are made possible thanks to your generous contributions to the Zonta Foundation for Women Young Women in Public Affairs Award Fund.
Award news
For a listing of the awardees and international and district recipients, have a look at our Zonta International website.